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Musings 1318.329 - Sorry, I missed it.
Moving is such fun.......NOT!
The past week is the first time since starting my blog that I missed a posting. I felt terrible about it but couldn't be helped. We were mid move from our home of almost 5 years, it was Thanksgiving week, I didn't have a post at the ready and was surrounded by chaos. We used movers for the first time and even with a couple of small issues and the cost, I highly recommend it. They arrived early, packed our entire life in their truck and moved us in one trip. It was amazing how they could maximize every square inch of the truck, very much like a game of Tetris. Unpacking was supposed to be in my mind, easy peasy. I'd taped a labeled piece of colored paper on both sides of each box with corresponding areas/rooms so each box had a designated spot. Well, I'd budgeted for 5 hours which one would think is plenty of time but since most of that time was taken up packing, the download had to be a bit more efficient. I had to make a run to the ATM for more cash (they charge 3% for credit cards) and by the time I returned, boxes had been dropped in any available space. Trust me, I'd rather deal with moving things around myself instead of going over budget. In addition to the unpacking, etc., we discovered (the revelation of water all over the laundry room floor) the washer drain is clogged. Miraculously we got a tech to come out on Thanksgiving day, and snaked the pipes with no success. The following Saturday a new tech tried the same thing, got some clearance, elevated to an electric powered snake version to learn there are roots in the line. Now, water is also backing up through the kitchen sink, which as it slowly drains out becomes a lovely brown mud/sludge. Needless to say nothing can be done in the kitchen or laundry area until this is fixed and I pray the bathrooms don't fall prey to the same problem. I'm told they're coming back Monday with a camera and will have to dig up the yard to cut everything out of the pipes. I hope it can be remedied in one day and we can resume a normal life. When I heard how much this whole thing will cost could only think, "Thank God we're renting!"

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