This past weekend I went to my first life drawing class
Keep in mind I haven't tried to draw or sketch anything in quite some time, well over 25 years and even then, I didn't do people very often, opting instead to stick to still life's, animals, etc. I struggled with faces, noses in particular. After a very long hiatus, I decided it was time to get in touch with the artist that's been lying dormant inside me for far too long. In the past I appeased myself with other various creative endeavors, I'm a decent photographer, the occasional sewing project, not bad in Photoshop, picking up CAD here and there (mostly there, if you've read any previous posts), and until earlier this year was trading computer time with a friend for piano lessons.I've been wanting to dust off my artistic brain cells and possibly exceed where I left off so many years ago. Now that I've been art blogging for a year, I felt it was time to start creating again. I realized due to limited space at home I would have to start
small (and cheap, for that matter). Hubz has been somewhat supportive, he thinks I'm really creative and the little sketching I've done he finds impressive. But he also tends to shoot down things that are too unfamiliar to him so I'm never sure what kind of reception I'll get from him when I talk about some of my ideas. He once told me I'm the most out of the box thinker he's ever known. I took it as a compliment.
I've been doing minimal sketching in a little spiraled notebook given to me by a vendor, eyes, limbs, lips, etc., just a few pages but realized I need something more structured. I found a local art center that has all kinds of classes and semester set ups that I couldn't commit to but hold workshops on the weekend. I signed up, talked myself out of going several times (up to an hour before class), but steeled my nerve, arrived 20 minutes early, and found the class. There was a total of four people, including the model and while everyone was delightful, they'd been modeling and sketching, painting, etc. for over 15 years. I was beyond intimidated!

I hope to be able to attend every other Sunday, and just looked at the schedule to sign up but don't see any classes held for my desired day. In the meantime, I'm watching YouTube videos on figure drawing (not to be dissuaded), and with minimal self-esteem and even less confidence I won't give up and will strive to get better.
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